Archeological discoveries sometimes help to unfold the certain latent aspects of a culture. The geological researchers enable us to stretch back the history of man on this planet by millions of years and pave the way of moulding our minds in such a way as to be more and more receptive to scientific formulations. There is a limit to what an unscientific mind can indulge in. The ultimate achievement is the prevalent and persistence of the scientific way of looking into phenomenon. The unscientific mind will, sooner or later, sink into oblivion. The excavations of Moenjodaro have unfolded before us the city life of a cicilization, of people - a proud people, with a distinct identity, values and culture. Therefore, the first definition of the Sindhi culture emanates from that over 7,000 years old Indus Valley Civilization. This is the pre-Aryan period, about 3,000 years B.C., when the urban civilization in Sindh was at its peak. Sir Mortimer Wheeler in his book, "Civilization of the Indus Valley and Beyond," says, "Civilization, in a minimum sense of the term, is the art of living in towns, with all that the condition implies in respect of social skills and disciplines." Hence, when we speak of Sindhi civilization we have to concern ourselves, mainly, with the material and concrete side of human habitation of which Sindhi culture is only the essence, the superstructure. So, the present day Sindh, alongwith the Northern part of the Indus Valley Civilization - around 3,000 to 2,500 B.C. - prides on its urban civilization.

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